Do a full restore from a shell console

You can do a full restore from the sensor shell console.


  1. Open a shell console.
  2. Locate the backup archive.
  3. Use the simple file transfer protocol (SFTP) or secure copy protocol (SCP) to copy the backup archive to the admin@<appliance_ip>:/data/tmp/<backup_hostname_date_version.nozomi_backup> path of the sensor.
    For example, enter the command:
    scp <backup_location_path>/<backup_hostname_date_version.nozomi_backup>
  4. In the shell console, enter the command:
    n2os-fullrestore /data/tmp/<backup_hostname_date_version.nozomi_backup>
    You can use the --etc_restore option to restore the files from the /etc folder. This feature can be used with a backup produced from version 20.0.1 and newer.