Prepare the Remote Collector container as a IOx packet

This procedure describes the preparation required to set up the Remote Collector container on the Catalyst 9300.

Make sure that you have completed the procedure: Install a sensor in a Docker container.
  1. Create a package.yaml file with the contents that follow:
    descriptor-schema-version: "2.10"
        name: NozomiNetworks_RC
        version: latest
        cpuarch: x86_64
            persistent_data_target: "/data"
            - interface-name: eth0
            - interface-name: eth1
              mirroring: true
            profile: custom
            cpu: 7400
            memory: 2048
            disk: 4000
            rootfs: rootfs.tar
            target: ["/usr/local/sbin/"]
            user: admin
            workdir: /data
        type: docker
    Note: ioxclient uses the above configuration to build the Remote Collector container for IOx. It enables mirrored ports on the Cat9300 IOx backplane on to the container's eth1 port and set /data as persistent storage on the Catalyst 9300. Other input ports are not needed for the Remote Collector.
  2. To build the Remote Collector container for the IOx package in the same directory as that of the package.yaml, enter the command:
    ioxclient docker package --skip-envelope-pkg your-containerregistry.
    com/NozomiNetworks_RC:"$VERSION" .
    Note: This creates the package.tar. You must upload this file directly onto the IOx as covered in the Cisco IOx documentation.
    Important: After every Catalyst 9300 configuration change or redeploy, you must stop the app and activate/start it again.
  3. Import the previously generated package in the Catalyst 9300 IOx subsystem as described in the Cisco IOx documentation.
  4. To activate and start the application, on the Catalyst 9300 secure shell (SSH) console, enter these commands:
    app-hosting stop appid NozomiNetworks_RC
    app-hosting activate appid NozomiNetworks_RC
    app-hosting start appid NozomiNetworks_RC
  5. To access the container through the Catalyst 9300 console, enter the command:
    app-hosting connect appid NozomiNetworks_RC session
  6. Configure the Remote Collector.