Build a Docker image

Build a Docker image for your sensor.

Make sure that:
  • Docker is installed. (Nozomi Networks has tested Docker versions 18.09 and 20.10.)
  • BuildKit is installed. (Docker 18.09 or higher is required. To activate BuildKit, refer to the Docker BuildKit documentation.)
You can use variables to customize the container version build. Use the --build-arg command line switch to pass the variables to the Docker build command.
To build the image, from the directory containing the artifacts, enter this command:
docker build -t nozomi-rc .
An example of a customization:
docker build --build-arg APT_PROXY= -t rc
To customize the method the sensor uses to communicate, these parameters can be given in the build command:
Parameter Default value Description
APT_PROXY None Proxy to be used to download container packages
N2OS_HTTP_PORT 80 Specify custom hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) web port
N2OS_HTTPS_PORT 443 Specify custom hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) web port
The image is created.