Deploy Arc manually with a local UI

You can manually deploy Arc to run in One-shot or Offline mode.

Make sure that you:
  • Are signed in with admin rights
  • Have downloaded an Arc package
  1. Use an administrator account to extract the ZIP file to your machine.
  2. Go to C:\Program Files\ and create a folder called arc.
    Note: This location is not mandatory, but it will grant Arc superuser permissions when it needs them.
  3. Open the local configuration UI.
  4. Choose a mode:
    • For One-shot mode, in the Status page of the local configuration UI, select the One-shot checkbox.
    • For Offline mode, in the Status page of the local configuration UI, select the Offline checkbox.
  5. In the Configuration page of the local configuration user interface (UI), set these parameters:
    1. Endpoint (One-shot only): This is automatically populated with the Guardian instance that you used to download the package. Change this only if it is necessary.
    2. Token (One-shot only): This is automatically populated with the Guardian instance that you used to download the package. Change this only if it is necessary. Take the value shown in the image above.
    3. Execution options: Tune these options as necessary.
  6. Select Run.
    One-shot mode only: When you connect the Arc sensor to Vantage, you should start the Add Sensor procedure from Vantage to be able to connect it.
    Note: A counter will show the execution time that remains.
    The Execution status changes from Stopped to Running. One-shot mode only: The Connectivity status changes from Disconnected to Connected.
The Arc sensor is now connected to the upstream endpoint.