Request a diff

The time machine lets you create a diff between to historical snapshots, or a snapshot and the current view.

  1. In the top navigation bar, select icon > Time machine.
    The Time machine page opens.
  2. To select the baseline of the diff, to the left of the applicable snapshot, select the select for diff icon.
    At the top of the table, the details of the snapshot are loaded next to the Diff icon.
  3. Choose a target for the diff:
    • To select another snapshot from the past, to the left of the applicable snapshot, select the load snapshot icon
    • To select the current, live environment, at the top of the table, select the LIVE icon
  4. Optional: Select the Exclude frequently changing fields toggle to on.
  5. Now that the baseline and the target have been set, select the Diff icon.
    The system evaluates the diff baseline / target files and estimates how central processing unit (CPU) / memory intensive the diff operation is going to be. If there is not enough free memory at the moment, the diff will be aborted with the appropriate message. If the diff is estimated to take more than a few minutes, a warning will show and a confirmation dialog will show.
  6. As soon as the diff operation starts, a dialog shows the progress. To stop the diff operation, select Abort.
After the diff has been computed, the diff results show.