Details window

The details window lets you view more detailed information for an assets.

Figure 1. Asset details window

Asset details window

This details window shows more details for an asset.

The top section of the screen contains generic data. You can hover your mouse over the information icon to display the source, granularity and confidence of the corresponding piece of data. Data includes:
The details window has these tabs:

Information icon

When you hover over the icon, you can see information for:
  • Source
  • Granularity
  • Confidence


Information source Description
manual Information that is manually added from the configuration
imported data Imported information
passive detection Information from deep packet inspection
asset-kb Information from Asset Intelligence
smart-polling Information from Smart Polling


Level of detailed information Description
manual-or-import Information manually added or imported
complete Detailed information that has been extracted
partial Detailed, but not complete information
generic A family/generic value is found, but it is not detailed
unknown Unknown


Level of confidence in information Description
manual-or-import Information manually added or imported, with the highest level of confidence at this level
high High level of confidence
good Good level of confidence
low Low level of confidence
unknown Unknown confidence