API reference

Available Lua libraries

  • base
  • string
  • table
  • math
  • debug
  • utf8

Data types

Class FieldInfoAttributes
  • FieldInfoAttributes.new()
Read/write properties
  • FieldInfoAttributes.source_code (FieldSourceCode)
  • FieldInfoAttributes.granularity (FieldGranularity)
  • FieldInfoAttributes.confidence (FieldConfidence)
Class FunctionCode
  • FunctionCode.new(<string>)
  • FunctionCode.new(<number>)
Class RtuId
  • RtuId.new(<string>)
  • RtuId.new(<number>)
Class DataValue
  • DataValue.new()
Read/write properties
  • DataValue.value (number)
  • DataValue.str_value (string)
  • DataValue.cause (DataCause)
  • DataValue.time (number, milliseconds since epoch)
  • DataValue.type (DataType)
Class Variable
  • set_label(<string>)
Class Node
  • set_property(<key>, <value>)
  • get_property(<key>)
  • delete_property(<key>)
  • set_label(<label>)
  • set_vendor(<string>, <FieldInfoAttributes>)
  • get_vendor()
  • set_product_name(<string>, <FieldInfoAttributes>)
  • get_product_name()
  • set_firmware_version(<string>, <FieldInfoAttributes>)
  • get_firmware_version()
  • set_serial_number(<string>, <FieldInfoAttributes>)
  • get_serial_number()
  • notify_vulnass()
Enum DataCause
  • DataCause.READ_SCAN
  • DataCause.READ_CYCLIC
  • DataCause.READ_EVENT
  • DataCause.WRITE
Enum DataType
  • DataType.ANALOG
    • the Analog type represents a floating point number
  • DataType.DIGITAL
    • the Digital type represents a boolean type and can be either 0 or 1
  • DataType.BITSTRING
    • the Bitstring type represents a raw value in the form of a sequence of 0 and 1, e.g. "00101110"
  • DataType.STRING
    • the String type represents a value in the form of a sequence of printable characters
    • the Double Point type represents a boolean value with an additional degree of redundancy. It is commonly used in protocols such as DNP3, IEC 104 or IEC 61850
  • DataType.TIMESTAMP
    • the Timestamp type represents a point in time in the format of milliseconds from the epoch
Only ANALOG, DIGITAL and DOUBLEPOINT types are kept in consideration by the Process Learning Engine when detecting deviations from the baseline.
Enum FieldConfidence
  • FieldConfidence.MANUAL_OR_IMPORT
  • FieldConfidence.HIGH
  • FieldConfidence.GOOD
  • FieldConfidence.LOW
  • FieldConfidence.UNKNOWN
  • FieldConfidence.UNSUPPORTED
Enum FieldGranularity
  • FieldGranularity.MANUAL_OR_IMPORT
  • FieldGranularity.COMPLETE
  • FieldGranularity.PARTIAL
  • FieldGranularity.GENERIC
  • FieldGranularity.UNKNOWN
  • FieldGranularity.UNSUPPORTED
Enum FieldSourceCode
  • FieldSourceCode.NONE
  • FieldSourceCode.ENRICHMENT
  • FieldSourceCode.PASSIVE
  • FieldSourceCode.DATA_INTEGRATION
  • FieldSourceCode.SMART_POLLING
  • FieldSourceCode.ARC
  • FieldSourceCode.ASSET_KB
  • FieldSourceCode.IMPORT
  • FieldSourceCode.MANUAL
  • FieldSourceCode.OVERWRITE
Enum ProtocolType
  • ProtocolType.SCADA
  • ProtocolType.NETWORK
  • ProtocolType.IoT


Syntax data(<index>)
  • index: the position of the byte to read, starting from 0
Description Return the value of the byte from the specified position, return 0 if index is out of bounds
Syntax data_size()
Description Return the total size of the payload
Syntax remaining_size()
Description Return the size of the payload from the pointer to the end. The result depends on the usage of functions fwd(), rwd() and consume_*().
Syntax fwd(<amount>)
  • amount: the number of bytes to skip
Description Move the payload pointer by the specified number of bytes.
Syntax rwd()
Description Move the payload pointer to the beginning of the payload.
Syntax read_uint8()
Description Read an unsigned 8bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_int8()
Description Read an signed 8bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_n_uint16()
Description Read a network order unsigned 16bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_h_uint16()
Description Read a host order unsigned 16bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_n_int16()
Description Read a network order signed 16bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_h_int16()
Description Read a host order signed 16bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_n_uint32()
Description Read a network order unsigned 32bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_h_uint32()
Description Read a host order unsigned 32bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_n_int32()
Description Read a network order signed 32bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_h_int32()
Description Read a host order signed 32bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_n_uint64()
Description Read a network order unsigned 64bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_h_uint64()
Description Read a host order unsigned 64bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_n_int64()
Description Read a network order signed 64bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_h_int64()
Description Read a host order signed 64bit integer at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_n_float()
Description Read a network order float at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_h_float()
Description Read a host order float at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_n_double()
Description Read a network order double at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_h_double()
Description Read a host order double at the payload pointer position.
Syntax read_string()
Description Read a string at the payload pointer position until the null terminator.
Syntax read_string_with_len(str_len)
Description Read a string at the payload pointer position for str_len bytes.
Syntax consume_uint8()
Description Read an unsigned 8bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_int8()
Description Read an signed 8bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_n_uint16()
Description Read a network order unsigned 16bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_h_uint16()
Description Read a host order unsigned 16bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_n_int16()
Description Read a network order signed 16bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_h_int16()
Description Read a host order signed 16bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_n_uint32()
Description Read a network order unsigned 32bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_h_uint32()
Description Read a host order unsigned 32bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_n_int32()
Description Read a network order signed 32bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_h_int32()
Description Read a host order signed 32bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_n_uint64()
Description Read a network order unsigned 64bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_h_uint64()
Description Read a host order unsigned 64bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_n_int64()
Description Read a network order signed 64bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_h_int64()
Description Read a host order signed 64bit integer at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_n_float()
Description Read a network order float at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_h_float()
Description Read a host order float at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_n_double()
Description Read a network order double at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_h_double()
Description Read a host order double at the payload pointer position and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_string()
Description Read a string at the payload pointer position until the null terminator and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_string_with_len(str_len)
Description Read a string at the payload pointer position for str_len bytes and move the pointer after the data.
Syntax consume_xor_data(bytes_len, key, callback_function)
Description Read bytes_len bytes at the payload pointer position and apply the XOR function with the byte in key at the same index. callback_function is then invoked with the payload pointer changed to the trasformed payload. When exiting from the callback function, the previous context is restored and the pointer is moved after the data.
key: must be an array of hex integers with a length greater or equal than bytes_len.
Syntax consume_gzip_data(bytes_len, callback_function)
Description Read bytes_len bytes at the payload pointer position and decompress it with gzip. callback_function is then invoked with the payload pointer changed to the decompressed payload. When exiting from the callback function, the previous context is restored and the pointer is moved after the data.
Syntax consume_zlib_data(bytes_len, callback_function)
Description Read bytes_len bytes at the payload pointer position and decompress it with zlib. callback_function is then invoked with the payload pointer changed to the decompressed payload. When exiting from the callback function, the previous context is restored and the pointer is moved after the data.
Syntax compute_crc16(size, poly, init, xor_out, ref_in, ref_out)
  • size: the amount of bytes on which the CRC is computed
  • poly, init, xor_out, ref_in, ref_out: the common CRC input parameters
Description Compute the CRC16 of the remaining payload according to the input parameters. The input parameters for CRC functions can be easily found online. For example, to get a CRC16/DNP the parameters are: 0x3D65, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, true, true
Syntax compute_crc32(size, poly, init, xor_out, ref_in, ref_out)
  • size: the amount of bytes on which the CRC is computed
  • poly, init, xor_out, ref_in, ref_out: the common CRC input parameters
Description Compute the CRC32 of the remaining payload according to the input parameters. The input parameters for CRC functions can be easily found online. For example, to get a plain CRC32 the parameters are: 0x04C11DB7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, true
Syntax set_roles(<client_role>, <server_role>)
  • client_role: the role of the client
  • server_role: the role of the server
Description Set the roles of the involved nodes, valid values are: "consumer", "producer", "historian", "terminal", "web_server", "dns_server", "db_server", "time_server", "other"
Syntax set_source_type(<node_type>)
  • node_type: the type of the source node
Description Set the type of the source node, valid values are: "switch", "router", "printer", "group", "OT_device", "broadcast", "computer"
Syntax variables_are_on_client()
Description Notify to Guardian that the variables should be added to the client node
syntax is_packet_from_src_to_dst(<is_from_src>)
  • is_from_src: true is the direction is from src to dst, false otherwise
description notify Guardian about the direction of the packet, this function must be called to obtain a link creation
syntax execute_update()
description notify Guardian about the a packet, at least one variant of execute_update should be called for every packet (available for standalone protocols only)
syntax execute_update_with_function_code(<function_code>, <rtu id>)
  • function_code: an object of type functioncode
  • rtuid: an object of type rtuid
description notify Guardian about the a packet with a function code and a rtu id (available for standalone protocols only)
syntax execute_update_with_variable(<function_code>, <rtu id>, <var_name>, <value>)
  • function_code: an object of type functioncode
  • rtu_id: an object of type rtuid
  • var_name: the name of the variable
  • value: an object of type datavalue containing the value of the variable and some information about the data
description notify Guardian about the a packet with a function code, a rtu id, a variable name and a variable value (available for standalone protocols only)
syntax execute_update_with_function(<function_code>, <rtu id>, <var_name>, <value>, <function>)
  • function_code: an object of type functioncode
  • rtu_id: an object of type rtuid
  • var_name: the name of the variable
  • value: an object of type datavalue containing the value of the variable and some information about the data
  • function: the function will be called passing variable as an argument
description notify Guardian about the a packet with a function code, a rtu id, a variable name, a variable value and a function that give the possibility to directly access the variable (available for standalone protocols only)
syntax set_fc_info(<fc_num>, <fc_descr>)
  • fc_num: the function code as a number
  • fc_descr: description of the function code
description establish a correspondence between a function code number and its description. When Guardian is later notified about this function code numerically, then the description will automatically be recalled and used
syntax AlertFactory.new_net_device()
description raise an alert of type VI:NEW-NET-DEV
syntax AlertFactory.firmware_transfer()
description raise an alert of type SIGN:FIRMWARE-TRANSFER
syntax AlertFactory.protocol_error(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:PROTOCOL-ERROR
syntax AlertFactory.wrong_time(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type PROC:WRONG-TIME
syntax AlertFactory.sync_asked_again(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type PROC:SYNC-ASKED-AGAIN
syntax AlertFactory.protocol_flow_anomaly(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type VI:PROC:PROTOCOL-FLOW-ANOMALY
syntax AlertFactory.variable_flow_anomaly(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type VI:PROC:VARIABLE-FLOW-ANOMALY
syntax AlertFactory.dhcp_request(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:DHCP-OPERATION
syntax AlertFactory.invalid_ip(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:INVALID-IP
syntax AlertFactory.new_arp(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type VI:NEW-ARP
syntax AlertFactory.duplicated_ip(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:ARP:DUP
syntax AlertFactory.link_reconnection(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type NET:LINK-RECONNECTION
syntax AlertFactory.rst_from_producer(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type NET:RST-FROM-PRODUCER
syntax AlertFactory.tcp_syn(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type NET:TCP-SYN
syntax AlertFactory.tcp_flood(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:TCP-FLOOD
syntax AlertFactory.protocol_flood(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:PROTOCOL-FLOOD
syntax AlertFactory.mac_flood(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:MAC-FLOOD
syntax AlertFactory.network_scan(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:NETWORK-SCAN
syntax AlertFactory.cleartext_password(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:CLEARTEXT-PASSWORD
syntax AlertFactory.ddos_attack(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:DDOS
syntax AlertFactory.unsupported_func(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:UNSUPPORTED-FUNC
syntax AlertFactory.illegal_parameters(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:ILLEGAL-PARAMETERS
syntax AlertFactory.weak_password(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:PASSWORD:WEAK
syntax AlertFactory.malware_detected()
description raise an alert of type SIGN:MALWARE-DETECTED
syntax AlertFactory.unknown_rtu(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:PROC:UNKNOWN-RTU
syntax AlertFactory.missing_variable(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:PROC:MISSING-VAR
syntax AlertFactory.protocol_injection(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:PROTOCOL-INJECTION
syntax AlertFactory.new_variable(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type VI:PROC:NEW-VAR
syntax AlertFactory.new_variable_value(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type VI:PROC:NEW-VALUE
syntax AlertFactory.device_state_change(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:DEV-STATE-CHANGE
syntax AlertFactory.configuration_change(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:CONFIGURATION-CHANGE
syntax AlertFactory.malicious_protocol(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:MALICIOUS-PROTOCOL
syntax AlertFactory.weak_encryption(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:WEAK-ENCRYPTION
syntax AlertFactory.malformed_traffic(<triggerId>, <reason>)
  • triggerId: identifier of the triggering engine entity
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:MALFORMED-TRAFFIC
syntax AlertFactory.suspicious_time(<triggerId>, <reason>)
  • triggerId: identifier of the triggering engine entity
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:SUSP-TIME
syntax AlertFactory.new_node(<nodeId>)
  • nodeId: identifier of the node
description raise an alert of type VI:NEW-NODE
syntax AlertFactory.new_target_node(<nodeId>)
  • nodeId: identifier of the node
description raise an alert of type VI:NEW-NODE:TARGET
syntax AlertFactory.new_node_malicious_ip(<nodeId>, <threatName>)
  • nodeId: identifier of the node
  • threatName: the name of the threat
description raise an alert of type VI:NEW-NODE:MALICIOUS-IP
syntax AlertFactory.new_mac_vendor(<nodeId>, <macAddress>, <reason>)
description raise an alert of type VI:GLOBAL:NEW-MAC-VENDOR
syntax AlertFactory.new_mac(<nodeId>, <macAddress>, <reason>)
  • nodeId: identifier of the node
  • macAddress: MAC Address
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type VI:NEW-MAC
syntax AlertFactory.malicious_domain(<domain>, <threatName>, <reason>)
  • domain: the malicious domain
  • threatName: the name of the threat
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:MALICIOUS-DOMAIN
syntax AlertFactory.malicious_url(<url>, <threatName>, <reason>)
description raise an alert of type SIGN:MALICIOUS-URL
syntax AlertFactory.configuration_mismatch(<nodeId>, <triggerId>, <reason>)
  • nodeId: identifier of the node
  • triggerId: identifier of the triggering engine entity
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type VI:CONF-MISMATCH
syntax AlertFactory.multiple_ot_device_reservations(<sNodeId>, <dNodeId>, <protocolId>, <bpfFilter>, <protocolType>, <reason>)
  • sNodeId: identifier of the source node
  • dNodeId: identifier of the destination node
  • protocolId: identifier of the protocol
  • bpfFilter: Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) filter
  • protocolType: type of the protocol according to the ProtocolType type
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:MULTIPLE-OT_DEVICE-RESERVATIONS
syntax AlertFactory.multiple_unsuccessful_logins(<sNodeId>, <dNodeId>, <protocolId>, <bpfFilter>, <protocolType>, <reason>)
  • sNodeId: identifier of the source node
  • dstNodeId: identifier of the destination node
  • protocolId: identifier of the protocol
  • bpfFilter: BPF filter
  • protocolType: type of the protocol according to the ProtocolType type
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:MULTIPLE-UNSUCCESSFUL-LOGINS
syntax AlertFactory.generic_event(<triggerId>, <reason>)
  • triggerId: identifier of the triggering engine entity
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type GENERIC:EVENT
syntax AlertFactory.multiple_access_denied(<sNodeId>, <dNodeId>, <protocolId>, <bpfFilter>, <protocolType>, <reason>)
  • sNodeId: identifier of the source node
  • dNodeId: identifier of the destination node
  • protocolId: identifier of the protocol
  • bpfFilter: BPF filter
  • protocolType: type of the protocol according to the ProtocolType type
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:MULTIPLE-ACCESS-DENIED
syntax AlertFactory.protocol_injection(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:PROTOCOL-INJECTION
syntax send_alert_malformed_packet(<reason>)
  • reason: a message to be displayed in the alert
description raise an alert of type SIGN:MALFORMED-TRAFFIC
syntax notify_captured_url(<clientNodeId>, <serverNodeId>, <url>, <user>, <operation>, <size>, <properties>)
  • clientNodeId: node identifier (ID) of the client
  • serverNodeId: node ID of the server
  • url: the captured URL to notify
  • user: optional string parameter for the user related to the captured URL
  • operation: optional string parameter describing the operation
  • size: optional integer parameter reporting the size in bytes transferred when accessing the URL
  • properties: optional parameter in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format for properties
description notify a captured URL to the system. Note that captured URLs need to be explicitly enabled by specifying the vi captured_urls enabled configuration setting.
syntax notify_link_events(<event>, <parameters>)
  • event: event to notify
  • parameters: JSON dictionary reporting the parameters associated with the event
description notify a link event to the system. Note that link events need to be explicitly enabled by specifying the vi link_events enabled configuration setting.
syntax packet.source_id()
description return the source node id
syntax packet.destination_id()
description return the destination node id
syntax packet.source_ip()
description return the source node ip
syntax packet.destination_ip()
description return the destination node ip
syntax packet.source_mac()
description return the source node mac
syntax packet.destination_mac()
description return the destination node mac
syntax packet.source_port()
description return the source node port
syntax packet.destination_port()
description return the destination node port
syntax packet.is_ip()
description return true if the packet is an ip packet
syntax packet.transport_type()
description return the transport layer type, can be "tcp", "udp", "ethernet", "icmp" or "unknown"
syntax packet.source_node()
description returns the source node
syntax packet.destination_node()
description returns the destination node
syntax packet.time()
description return the packet time
syntax session.set_pending_request_number(<request_id>, <key>, <value>)
  • request_id: a number used to uniquely identify the request
  • key: a number used to separate different values in the same request
  • value: the number to store
description store a number on the session
syntax session.read_pending_request_number(<request_id>, <key>)
  • request_id: a number used to uniquely identify the request
  • key: a number used to separate different values in the same request
description read a number from the session
syntax session.set_pending_request_string(<request_id>, <key>, <value>)
  • request_id: a number used to uniquely identify the request
  • key: a number used to separate different values in the same request
  • value: the string to store
description store a string on the session
syntax session.read_pending_request_string(<request_id>, <key>)
  • request_id: a number used to uniquely identify the request
  • key: a number used to separate different values in the same request
description read a string from the session
syntax session.has_pending_request(<request_id>)
  • request_id: a number used to uniquely identify the request
description return true if there are values stored with the request_id
syntax session.has_pending_request_value(<request_id>, <key>)
  • request_id: a number used to uniquely identify the request
  • key: a number used to separate different values in the same request
description return true if there are values stored with the request_id and key
syntax session.close_pending_request(<request_id>)
  • request_id: a number used to uniquely identify the request
description close the pending request and delete the associated data
syntax log_d(<msg>)
  • msg: the message to log
description log a debug message
syntax log_i(<msg>)
  • msg: the message to log
description log an info message
syntax log_e(<msg>)
  • msg: the message to log
description log an error message