Install a CA certificate

If an issuing certificate authority (CA) for the hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) certificate is not immediately trusted, you will need to install a certificate authority (CA) certificate to the Nozomi Networks Operating System (N2OS) sensor.

Make sure that:
Note: These formats are not supported:
  • Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)
  • PKCS#12
  1. Upload the CA certificate to the sensor.
    1. Change the name of the CA certificate to cert.crt
    2. Open a terminal.
    3. To upload, enter this command:
    scp cert.crt admin@<sensor_ip>:/data/tmp
  2. Log into the console, either directly or through secure shell (SSH).
  3. To go to privileged mode, enter this command:
    You can now perform system changes.
  4. Change directory into the /data/tmp folder.
  5. To add the CA certificate to the trust store, enter this command:
    n2os-addcacert cert.crt
The sensor now trusts the imported CA certificate. You can now use it to secure hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) communication to the sensor.