
The Insights page shows all the insights that Vantage IQ has collected throughout the day. The dashboard shows insights which relate to items within the environment that need to be addressed. The severity and the last trigger time of the insights are used to sort them.

Status bar

This bar shows:
  • The number of open insights
  • The number of acknowledged insights
  • The number of muted insights

Insight types


You should investigate this type of insight as soon as possible. The majority of critical insights relate to security issues.


This type of insight has security and operational concerns. The majority of warning insights are alerting improvements.


This type of insight does not require immediate action. Informational insights help you understand your environment better.

The order the insights are shown in the list is:
  • The most recent critical insights will show first, older critical insights will be next
  • The most recent warning insights show next, older warning insights will be next
  • The most recent informational insights will show next, older informational insights will be next


You can select the title of the insight to show a more detailed description of the insight. From this view, you can explore the insight further.

Go to Results

You can select this button to show a filtered tables page that highlights the data that created the insight.

Go to Chart

Vantage IQ will generate a chart to illustrate the insight. To modify and explore the insight further, you can modify the chart query from the queries page.

Go to Query

You can select this button to show the query page. The query for the insight is populated with the specific query for the insight. To explore the data further, you can modify the query.


When you acknowledge an insight:
  • The acknowledged insights will be hidden from the main Insights page.
    You can select acknowledged in the status bar to view acknowledged insights.
  • You can unacknowledge an insight to show it again
  • The insight will be acknowledged for five days
    After five days, if the insight is still triggered, it will show as reactivated on the main insights page.
  • Insights generated by alerts will also be acknowledged if they are associated with the insight
    If the insight is unacknowledged all the associated alerts will also be unacknowledged.


When you mute an insight:
  • The insight will be hidden from the main Insights page
    You can select muted in the status bar to view muted insights.
  • You can unmute an insight to show it again
    When insights with associated alerts are muted, a pop-up window shows that lets you generate mute rules that can be pushed down to sensors.

For more details on mute rules, see the Alert Rules section of the Administrator Manual.

For more details on mute rules, see Alert Rules.

Cycle time

Insights are only visible for five days, so when a new insight is triggered, it will remain on the Insights page for five days. If the insight is triggered again, the five day counter will start again.