
A description of the release update and rollback operations when you have a Central Management Console (CMC) and one or more sensors.

The Nozomi Networks update bundle applies to both the Central Management Console (CMC) and Guardian, except in the case of the Docker installation. It works for all physical and virtual sensors.

Once a sensor is connected to a CMC, the CMC will control all the updates. The software bundle is propagated from the CMC and, once the sensor receives the bundle, you can do the update manually, or automatically. You can configure this behavior in the General settings section of the Synchronization settings page.

Figure 1. Let user perform updates section

Let user perform updates section

If the CMC is configured to allow manual updates, the sensor's status bar displays a message that notifies you as soon as the sensor receives the update bundle.

Figure 2. Update available notification

Update available notification

The update process from the CMC can proceed as described in Software update and rollback. After the Central Management Console is updated, each sensor will receive the new software update.

If an error occurs during the update procedure, a message shows next to the related sensor's version number on the Sensors page.

To Rollback, first rollback the Central Management Console, and then proceed to rollback all the sensors as described in Software update and rollback.